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April 17 2023
Rather than adding more cows to their Rosenholm Dairy near Cochrane, Wis., John Rosenow was looking for a different challenge and a way to diversify the operation. During a conversation with some friends...
April 17 2023
The farms dotted all over the U.S. vary in crops, size, structure, setting, and more, but they have the same goal — feeding people. According to a new report, they also feed into the $8.6 trillion...
April 17 2023
The 2023 National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) was held in Indianapolis from April 3 to 7
April 17 2023
A new day has dawned on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus. Originally home to the very first dairy foods short course in the United States back in 1890, the university has doubled down on dairy...
Bauer-web 4
April 13 2023
Most would agree that milk is an important part of a child’s diet, but the value of dairy doesn’t diminish as we get older. Recent research conducted at the University of Kansas Medical Center...
April 13 2023
Dairy farmers strive to get the most return on investment from every asset on their farm. One part of the business that might be overlooked as an asset, though, is the feed center
April 13 2023
Achieving excellent reproductive performance is a critical management goal that impacts milk production and therefore dairy farm profitability. The good news is that we have witnessed an unprecedented...
April 13 2023
“Events that happen halfway around the world matter to you,” stated Josh Linville at the 99th USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum with the “you” being U.S. farmers and those who work...
April 12 2023
Merck Animal Health, known as MSD Animal Health outside of the United States and Canada, a division of Merck & Co., Inc., Rahway, N.J., USA (NYSE:MRK), announced today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s...
April 11 2023
The factors that help Deluur Dairy excel at transition cow care, presented by Mark Fox, D.V.M., and Michigan dairyman Hendrik Eggink
Geiger-DeVries web
April 10 2023
When it comes to cow health, the transition from the dry period into early lactation is the time period that can bring forth the most complications.
April 10 2023
Financial risk and resiliency are topics on everyone’s mind. These issues leap into the forefront during tax season
Bauer-web 3
April 10 2023
One sweltering summer afternoon, dairyman Ken Smith was stopped at an intersection with a truckload of haylage
April 10 2023
Even with the U.S. All-Milk price averaging above $22 per hundredweight (cwt.) for the first two months of 2023, profitability is suffering for most producers. It turns out that feed costs are largely...
April 10 2023
A healthy body includes healthy teeth, and when it comes to preventing cavities and even building enamel back up in demineralized teeth, plant-based dairy alternatives don’t stack up to milk and...
April 10 2023
We needed a more reliable way to thaw and heat colostrum, so I took a 15-gallon plastic barrel and cut it to the correct height so the heating element wouldn’t touch the bottom
April 10 2023
Hoard's Dairyman Classifieds for April 10, 2023
April 10 2023
lately I have been thinking about how a dairy farm lifestyle fits into a world of instant gratification
April 10 2023
Starting in 2020, a price divergence between Class III and actual producer pay prices shook up risk management plans just as volatility re-entered dairy markets in a meaningful way for the first time
April 7 2023
There is a new genomic Holstein leader on the Net Merit (NM$), Cheese Merit (CM$), and Total Performance Index (TPI) lists for the first time in a year